
【当社代表 藤原 誠からのメッセージ】

カテゴリー:藤原 誠 2015.04.13













代表取締役 藤原 誠

We sincerely thank you for your daily participation in THANKS AI’s activities.

On this day the 13th we will at long last begin global deployment of THANKS AI.

Although we use the term “global deployment,” it is but a limited global deployment that simply allows foreign registration and shipping abroad.

“Will the world be impressed by a product like that?” “Will that bonus plan make the world happy?” “Will that system enable people from around the world to connect with each other?”

In order to create a truly global company, we in Japan have made innovations in the network marketing industry, and our entire staff has worked tirelessly to get rid of what has been considered conventional wisdom till now and create an entirely new structure from scratch.

In this day and age where ailments are not cured despite visiting hospitals and the country is going bankrupt due to high medical costs, where the internet has provided a forum for the sharing and dissemination of information, and where the world is starting to feel geographically smaller to where even highschool students can enjoy overseas travel since the advent of LCC, has not the society that THANKS AI needs finally arrived?

I am often asked “what is THANKS AI’s contribution to society?,” to which my reply is that “THANKS AI’s very existence is a contribution to society!”

In order to spread the four ways of communal upbringing to the people of the world, let us abandon our old ways of life and live together, using the world’s best original system called “success track” and while realizing the philosophy of “finding joy in real, safe, and healthy food after economic success.”

“Why work?” “Why is there a need to earn?” “What kind of job should be done to suit one’s lifestyle?” The meaning of work is the meaning of life itself.

The innovations that are made today will eventually become the future standards of the network marketing industry. That is why, from tomorrow, we must begin preparations for yet newer and better innovations.

But first, please master the tools that can be used for today and truly experience global deployment. Once everyone has grown accustomed to that experience, we will once again and repeatedly make new and astounding innovations, and together take the world by storm!


President & CEO Makoto FUJIWARA

〒861-8035 熊本県熊本市東区御領6丁目1-6
TEL.096-285-3910 / FAX.096-285-3513


